Xiaofan Jia

Interim Director, Yale Catalysis and Separations Core
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM

The Yale Catalysis and Separation Core offers a wide variety of scientific instruments to support research in synthetic chemistry, including UHPLC, PrepHPLC, SFC-MS (UPC-MS), EasyMax for parallel reactions, solid and liquid chemical dispensing robots, and other equipment for high-throughput experiments (HTE). Our staff maintains the instruments and provides training in their operation for both new and experienced users.

Contact Info



Class of 1954 Chemistry Research Building (CRB)

Room 307b

275 Prospect St.

New Haven, CT 06511

We are searching for a new director!

If you like synthetic chemistry, working with a variety of students and postdocs, and instrumentation, please apply!

Apply Here!