High Throughput Mixing and Stirring Solutions
Singh Instruments LiStir 3P
This stirrer, similar in function to a traditional tumble stirrer, is well suited for stirring multiple SLAS-footprint blocks at a time. Integrated temperature and stirring control (controlled by touchscreen) allows for the three positions to be agitated and heated up to 180 C. At the same time, this instrument differs in design from a traditional tumble stirrer, allowing much better temperature control when stirring close to room temperature. Works well with any of the heating blocks from Analytical Sales.
Torrey Pines Scientific Digital Dry Baths
These orbital-shaking dry bath are capable of orbital mixing of any heating block with an SLAS footprint, including 24, 48, and 96 well plates and arrays of vials. Temperature control is nominally from -10 to 110 °C, although we recommend temperatures stay in the range of 5-100 °C. Given that the sample is shaken instead of being stirred, almost any reaction can be mixed using these plates. These baths are also very useful for heating or cooling arrays of vials where the experimenter might need access to the samples, such as for running quench kinetics experiments